

First, I would like to send out positive wishes to all of our decorating community. I hope all of us, our families, friends, employees all stay safe and well during this crisis we are all facing. It’s very uplifting to see our community coming together, supporting one another through these hard times. Embroiderers turning their focus into making face masks for those in need. Decorators reaching out to their local communities to offer help where they can. I even had a fellow digitizer contact me on social media to see how I was doing and offering help in any way if I was in need - someone whom I only know from behind the screen of my cell phone, sharing social media posts and the other. This is the time to slow down and time to take care of one another- to take of ourselves. In today’s blog, I am hoping to just throw some ideas out there of stuff we can focus on during this downtime.

We all have our slow points in the year when our specific niche in the industry slows down for a period of time. It’s usually about the same time year after year. But when there is an unprecedented crisis like we are facing, causing the down turn in business, it can be very scary. Not the regular slow down we are used to- no fault of our own - a world wide crisis. Try to view it as an opportunity to do other things that you regularly don’t have time to do. Of course all of us are doing what we can do to continue conducting business for the much needed income, but it’s inevitable that during this predicament we will be facing a lot of free time. Now is when we can try to turn an horrible situation into a positive one.


Time to show that embroidery machine, printing press or any other piece of equipment some TLC. Do a deep clean. Fine tune. Fix that needle #6 on head 3 that’s always finicky. Get your equipment in tip top shape and ready for that up turn we are all anticipating.


Time to organize those files you’ve been meaning to do for the last year. Clean out unwanted/unneeded info that’s taking up space on your drive. Analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of your current file storage, workflow process, job information retention- and see where you can improve.


Take a look at your daily operation. See where you can improve and implement a game plan. Does your order form need to be updated? Does that design spec sheet need more info on it so you are keeping track of more important information about your art or digitized file? Maybe have a meeting of the minds with the whole staff to get everyone’s point of view and ideas of where you can improve your business. (Of course follow the social distancing rules- there are plenty of ways you all can communicate while staying separated)


This one is my favorite. Time to do that personal project you have always wanted to do, but didn’t have time. Something that can get those creative juices flowing. Maybe update your company’s logo. Print those company tees you’ve always wanted to do Embroider those hats you’ve wanted to give away to customers. Create that piece of art you’ve never had time to do. Add some new stock designs that you can offer your niche market. Try experimenting with that specialty thread you’re not familiar with. Creating and trying new things can open the door to better skill sets, better ideas. Hit the ground running when this is all over and show your customers all of the new things you can offer. All of the new techniques that you’ve mastered. Honing your craft and/or learning new skills can only increase your value. Make you a better decorator.

Overall, I’m hoping to just offer a positive thought during this scary and uncertain time. Hoping I can help and spark some insight on what you can accomplish during the down time. Staying busy, being creative and accomplishing valuable tasks can help the anxiety, the fear and hopefully get us through this crisis and only make us better when it is all over. There is an end to this. There is light.

Stay safe, stay well.

And tag me in any posts you share with all of those wonderful projects you accomplish!

Justin Armenta

JA Digitizing Studios